
Graduation - About


Graduation from Notre Dame College School has been a right of passage for young adults since the first Graduation Class in 1952.  Much has changed since those first years of Catholic Secondary School Education since those early years but the pride and sense of accomplishment that we feel for our graduating students has continued on unabaited.  It is our pleasure to see our students and their families celebrate the conclusion of our students' Catholic high school education and the turning of a page into the next chapter of their lives.

There are so many invidividuals and orgranizations involved in ensuring that our graduating students are recognized and rewarded for their efforts over their four years of high school.  We cannot thank these people and organizations enough for their commitment to our students and their families.


Notre Dame College School   •   64 Smith Street    •   Welland, ON,  L3C 4H4   •  905-788-3060

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